Pitco Frialator Inc. - Fryer, Nat Gas, Economy, 40 lb Oil Capacity
Fryer, Nat Gas, Economy, 40 lb Oil Capacity
An economical and powerful tube-fired gas fryer for busy foodservice kitchens.

Capable of cooking 72 lbs.

of fries per hour in its 14" x 14" cooking area.

Millivolt thermostat maintains the selected frying temperature, anywhere between 200°
F and 400°
F (but for safety will automatically shut off all gas flow if fryer temperature exceeds 450°

Integrated gas control valve controls all gas functions and will prevent all gas flow if the pilot flame goes out.

Welded tank is pressure blasted for a smooth surface for easier cleaning and high tolerance and pressure points.

Cabinet front, door, and tank are stainless steel with galvanized sides and back.

High temperature alloy stainless steel heat baffles provide maximum heating and efficiency.

Factory warranty: 90 days labor, one year parts.

Shipping: Free!

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