Cleveland - 12 gal. Table Type Natural Gas Steam Kettle

The KGT-12-Ts steam jacket is permanently filled with treated distilled water, venting and/or refilling unnecessary.
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The re-inforced rolled rim allows the edge to withstand abuse much better.
Its 65% energy efficient, high performance, gas-fired heating system packs 53,000 BTUs, 34,450 of these are applied directly to the product.
With the heating elements being welded-in, the jacket holds vacuum better, and wont leak or loose water.
These two combined provide for a fast heat up and recovery time.
A self locking marine type tilting mechanism prevents accidental tilting.
Also with its splash proof construction, allows keeping a cleaner work area.
- Automatic Electronic Spark Ignition system
- Large pouring lip for easier faster pouring
- 50psi steam jacket rating
- 304 stainless steel exterior surface
- Factory warranty: One year parts and labor
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