Cleveland - SteamChef 3 High Speed Convection Steamer

This high speed, fan forced convection steamer comes with the exclusive �KleanShield� cooking compartment design.
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It collects and removes condensate waste from the cooking compartment.
This keeps the compartment clean, safe from impurities and easy to maintain.
The SteamChefs 9kW electric heating elements are in aluminum blocks for fast and ultra efficient heat transfer.
They never need deliming because they are not immersed in water, thus extending their life expectancy.
It also comes with a durable 14 gauge stainless steel compartment door and latch made for abuse and heavy wear.
A reversible door gasket doubles the life of the gasket.
More features include:
- Cooking capacity: Three 12� x 20� x 2-1/2� steam table pans.
- Automatic water level controls.
- �SureCook� compartment controls improve cooking speed and accuracy, and reduces operating costs.
- Heavy duty 4� skid resistant adjustable legs with flanged feet.
- Factory warranty: One year parts and labor.
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