Duke Manufacturing Co. - Hot Food Table, 4 Well, Nat Gas

Features 20 gauge, 300 series stainless steel top with 12-1/16" x 20-1/16" die-stamped openings.
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Full length, poly carving board is 7" wide x 1/2" thick with 18 gauge stainless steel support base and die-stamped brackets.
20 gauge, 430 series stainless steel body, 18 gauge, 430 series stainless steel undershelf, and 430 series stainless steel tubular legs with adjustable plastic bullet feet standard.
Each heat compartment with 8" die-formed stainless steel liner, insulated with 1" thick fiberglass on all four sides and bottom.
Each well uses an individual natural gas burner controlled by an adjustable valve and rated at 3500 BTU.
Galvanized steel radiation plate in each compartment.
Gas pressure regulator included.
Insert pans sold separately.
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